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The benefits of boxing for body and mind

The king of the fighting disciplines, boxing is an extremely complete sport. While everyone expects boxing to have undeniable fitness benefits, it’s much more than that. The mental health and well-being of the practitioner in general will be optimized.

There are many different reasons for taking up boxing, whatever the type (English boxing, French boxing, kick-boxing, Thai boxing…). It could be to learn how to defend yourself, to improve your physical condition or to strengthen your mental strength and stamina. And whether it’s for one reason or another, boxing will undeniably have benefits you can enjoy.

If you’re looking for a reason to take up or get back into boxing, these few arguments might help.

The benefits of boxing for your physical health

Boxing is considered a complete discipline for the simple reason that, after assiduous practice, it truly boosts the practitioner’s overall physical performance. Strength, endurance, muscle and coordination, your boxing workouts will push your body to its limits.

Better cardiovascular health

Whether sports coaches or doctors, all professionals agree that boxing is an intense activity with so much cardiovascular exercise. This would do the heart a world of good, strengthening its defences against heart disease.

By making you sweat, it trains your body to work much harder without tiring you out. Get your heart pumping and your lungs pumping toimprove strength and endurance.

A tenfold increase in overall body strength

Whether practiced as an amateur or at a professional level, this discipline requires the use of adapted equipment. Choose your boxing gloves and punching bag carefully, as they will be your main companions.

In this way, you’ll realize just how much boxing increases the strength of your whole body. You only have to look at professional boxers to see how much it takes for them to manage a knockout so easily.

Boxing workouts and exercises work all muscle groups equally well, while having a localized effect on the strong muscles of your body. The result is a strong, resilient body.

Greater stamina and endurance

Speaking of stamina, you should know that the boxing exercise routine helps you to significantly improve it. The same applies to your resistance. As you can imagine, it’s not just your muscles that will benefit from your push-ups, footwork or crunches.

Better hand-eye coordination

In the ring, you need to be lively, have excellent balance, attack and defend at the same time. Your fists and hands must learn to work in perfect harmony. Striving for technique and precision during your workouts will ultimately help you improve your balance, as well as hand-eye coordination.

A perfectly sculpted, toned figure

It would be unthinkable to review the benefits of boxing without mentioning its effects on the overall appearance of your body. By spending your time doing cardio, punching a bag and testing your muscles, it’s clear that you’ll be able to shed unwanted fat and sculpt an athletic body. As the sessions progress, your figure takes shape and your muscles gradually become visible.

Female boxer

The benefits of boxing for your well-being

The benefits of boxing on the mind, which are rather unsuspected and not widely publicized, are nonetheless effective. Your relentless efforts won’t just affect your physical health. Among other things, this discipline teaches you resilience and perseverance, and helps you get rid of stress.

Helps reduce stress and channel anger

It’s a well-known fact that boxing is the best way to let off steam and manage stress. Boxing allows you to channel your negative energy into something more productive, like punching a heavy bag.

Boxing exercises also boost levels of endorphins (the happy hormone) to improve your mood. By varying between intense and moderate boxing sessions, you make it easier to release these hormones and keep your stress under control.

Improves sleep quality

Research has shown that regular cardiovascular exercise such as that included in boxing training programs positively affects sleep quality. And more specifically, how quickly you fall asleep.

After many hours in the ring, your body will be physically exhausted. As a result, he’ll need many more hours of sleep to recover.

Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem

One of the other benefits of boxing is that it’s a sport that helps you sharpen your mind and reflexes. As a result, your self-confidence and self-esteem begin to grow as you see the progress you’re able to make.

As you learn, you discover your true potential and explore your limits. Being able to lift heavy loads, getting stronger and seeing your muscles grow could have a hugely positive effect on your self-confidence.

Helps discipline

Considered as a kind of therapy, boxing will help you appear more serene. The technicality and ruggedness of this sport will help you develop discipline and rigor. You’ll also be surprised by your ability to control and increase your strength while using boxing as leverage.


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